
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


By D

Where ever I go, Tails is there,
From the Emerald Hill Zone to the pits of despair.
Despite all the dangers, and my super-speed
That fox will appear whenever I need.
As he hovers behind with a grin on his face,
We’ve fought evil robots and been into space,
Even beaten Robotnik in Casino Night Zone,
Where we battled his flying mechanical throne.
 With his multiple tails, he flies through the air
Collecting MY coins without even a care.
But though he appears at my own beck and call
It’s not like he helps me, even at all!
In truth, he’s quite useless, doesn’t pick up much slack,
And yet when he dies, he just comes right back!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dreams of Skydiving Coma Patients

I admit it, I tend to write weird things when I'm half asleep.
Often, in the middle of the night, or early morning, I'll grab my laptop without even opening my eyes and jot down strange ideas that sound awesome at the time. They're probably what I was dreaming at the time.
The most recent of these is this;
A man who is fit is about to marry a woman after he discovers she’s pregnant with his child. they get married, but then before their skydiving honeymoon, he is hit by a car and goes into a coma. 16 years later he wakes up and has to bond with his son, whilst he tries to win back the woman. He decides to take skydiving in an effort to do so. In the end he meets someone else but has bonded with his son.
This has been unchanged from the original text.
Now, it starts off reasonably well, despite being strangely precise about this guy being fit, but it quickly devolves into weirdness.
What exactly is a skydiving honeymoon? It sounds like it would be a pretty short getaway, and besides, aren't honeymoons basically about sex? You can't really have sex when falling from an aircraft (or at least not very easily).
So the guy's hit by a car, goes into a coma, and wakes up sixteen years later, having to bond with his now 15-year old son and win back the woman, who has presumably moved on or something.
What I don't get is how skydiving is supposed to win her back.
I mean, I can understand that it was their honeymoon plan, but what does that have to do with wooing her?
The end of the story seems pretty Hollywood. They could make this into a movie and it would make millions! ... Maybe that's how I'll get rich!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The greatest quotes about love

Don't worry, I'm not getting sappy.Whilst watching QI, I was inspired to collect the greatest list of love quotations ever.

... or at least some interesting ones.

"Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock."
- John Barrymore
"Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and give her a house."
 - Groucho Marx

"I've been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, she'll kill me."
 - Henry Youngman

"I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox."
 - Woody Allen

"My wife and I were happy for 20 years - then we met."
 - Rodney Dangerfield

"They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I figure that's why my boyfriend moved."
 - Christy Murphy

"God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time."
 - Robin Williams

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thump, Thump, Thump!

We've all been there. It's sometime around midnight, and you have an early class/assignment/trip to make in the morning, but a deep bass beat keeps driving through your wall and into your bedroom.
Now, that's what happened to me last night.
I'm not a party person anyway, I don't drink, fit in socially, or consider any of the throbbing beats that shake my inner organs to be music. Even so, I can put up with the occasional get together, although personally I prefer simply going out to see a movie, a meal, or a similar quiet activity, wherein I can actually hear people talk.
What I don't understand is why people would have a party in an apartment anyway. I've tried it (or at least R tried it when he lived with me), and it was cramped, loud, and meant we got several knocks and a letter on the door asking for the noise to be kept down. Surely it would make more sense for it to be held at a pub, or at the very least a building that isn't connected to several others on all sides, with a balcony opening out into the street, so the entire neighbood can listen to the racket?
Well, I digress. I ended up leaving and spending the night at my mum's house, which was closer to my morning destination anyway.
Anyway, rant over.
At least the party wasn't during the school year on a weekday, since then I'd be royally besmirched (though in the upcoming term, all of my classes start at 1pm or later...).

Friday, August 27, 2010

We need to talk

What does that mean? eh? I hate it when a girl says that to me, my heart sinks. Like the Titanic..."Jack! Come back Jack!!" It always feels like it means something terrible. Girls are such a pain in the ass.

OK so I get told "we need to talk" pretty often, and each time it feels like I just swallowed my own heart whole. It's really not a good feeling. Girls know this too. And you really never know what to expect. But I can tell you a couple things to expect.

When she says "we need to talk" it can mean several things.

1) I'm really mad at you for something you did, it can either be pretty insignificant or it can be massive, but I won't let you know until mid-fight.

2) I don't want to talk to you about this in front of these other people.

3) I'm not mad at you, in fact something really fun and exciting happened to me and I want to tell you, I just want you to eat your heart out first.

The reason why I'm writing this really is because in a few hours, meaning about 9 pm, I'm going to go talk with a girl who told me that we need to talk....great.

Scott Pilgrimage - PART II

Here's Part II of the Scott Pilgrimage that I went on with R and our friend Will, from Dreamview Photography.
Part I is HERE.

First off, where Scott calls Knives at Bathurst and Bloor. The phone booths are different, but the Insomnia sign is there..

Secondly, the Toronto Reference Library, where Knives attacks Ramona. Sadly, we can't take pictures inside without a permit, but some drunk guy came up to us and asked us to take pictures of him. R's written about that.

Nest is Lee's Palace. The art outside is different, but still pretty cool.

This Honest Ed's. The interior is described by Julie in the book as "Do you know how when a baby is born it just cries from the sheer horror of being alive?"

Dundas Square (or Yonge-Dundas, since that's the intersection). Always stuff to see here.

We actually ate here, at Sneaky Dee's. It was absolutely delicious. The nachos were like ambrosia.

Instead of just saying 'north', the bus I saw at the Dundas Coach Terminal was going to Montreal.

Cameron House. That picture was staring at me the entire time I stood outside.

And finally, The Chaos Theatre, which in reality is some sort of community center for the homeless, which just makes Gideon even more of a dick for turning it into a club.

 So that's the end of the Scott Pilgrimage. I have a couple of extra pictures that I may put up sometime next week, such as the house at Scott's address (which looks nothing like the book), or alternate angles of certain places.
For larger views of all the pictures here, check out my Flickr set at

Thursday, August 26, 2010

So this black guy...

So as we know D and I went to Toronto to do our little "pilgrimage" to go see all the locations for Scott Pilgrim. We were outside the place where Knives Chau sits on the roof, when this black guy (clearly hammered) comes up to us and starts mumbling and asking us to take pictures of him. So D and Will (dreamview) took some pictures of him. But it wasn't the good ol' classic smile and pose pictures, this guy was bending over crossing his arms in front of his face, giving gang signs and peace signs. Thanks D for the pics ;)

Wtf eh?