
Monday, August 23, 2010


Alrighty, here's part II of's list of ways to tell if your husband is gay!
As said before, I consider them all to be nonsense.

9) Too many friendly young male friends
Someone who makes an extra effort to surround themselves with younger men should raise concerns in any community. If this is the case with your husband, ask yourself if he prefers their company to that of women. Do they touch each other or embrace in long hugs? Do they exchange expensive, personal gifts like scarves or cologne?
Ho Ho Homo!
This is obviously a tell-tale sign. No-one but gay men hug or buy each other presents. I can think of someone who surrounds himself with younger male figures, young boys, hugs them and gives them presents. I mean that's got to mean Santa's gay, doesn't it?

10) Travels frequently to big cities or Asia

Some husbands will spend a great deal of money traveling far from home to hide their deplorable same-sex actions. Big cities offer indulgence of every kind. From gay bars and clubs to prostitutes and sex bathhouses, a man seeking encounters can find them easily if he’s so inclined. Is there ever really a good excuse for a husband to visit Thailand or San Francisco without his wife?
The answer to that question is Yes. And the reason why is called business. The majority of guys go on holiday alone because of business, not because they're trying to hide their homosexuality. Besides, I've never even heard of a 'sex bathhouse' existing outside of Ancient Rome.What does the author of this have against Asia, anyway? Are they racist as well as homophobic?

11) Sassy, sarcastic and ironic around his friends
A man who is secretly engaged in homosexual activity with others may exhibit feminine qualities when they get together in a group. In a sense, he has “let his hair down” and this will be seen in excessive back talk and speaking with one’s hands.
Sarcasm and irony is feminine? The majority of what guys do with their friends is insult them, without attempting to be excessively mean. OH NO! This means that every male TV character is gay. This includes Fred Flintstone, Dr. McCoy, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Bugs Bunny! (Though he is always kissing Elmer Fudd...)

12) Love of pop culture
It’s quite common for young men to enjoy the science fiction end of popular culture, but when your husband becomes overly obsessed with romantic and feminine shows, that is cause for alarm. Gossip websites, Glee and The Golden Girls are three well-documented icons of the gay movement that genuine heterosexual men avoid.
Well documented icons? I don't remember the Golden Girls being an icon of gay pride. Maybe senior's pride. Besides, Glee isn't even about gay people - well, sure, one person on the show is gay, but that's like saying LOST is all about black people just because there's a couple of them on the show.
OH NO, he's going to corrupt the youth!

13) Extroverted about his bare chest in public
Does he go shirtless in the back yard or at picnics when other men are around? Does he wear a speedo at the beach? Does it seem like he’s purposely standing right in the middle of a crowd to show off his chest and arm muscles, peppering people with questions about how strong he looks?
I strongly doubt wearing no shirt has anything to do with homosexuality. Besides, "peppering people with questions" makes it sound more like he's got some form of mental handicap rather than an alternate sexuality.

14) Sudden heavy drinking
Sometimes people dealing with an unbearable emotional issue like homosexuality will turn to alcohol to hide their distress. Does your man disappear on drinking binges for long hours without answering his cellphone? Is there a strange odor about him when he returns, some strange mix of cigarettes and gel? Does he cry frequently?
As we all know, every guy who drinks, smokes and wears gel in their hair must be gay. After all, why else would they have vices and crunchy hair. And if he's crying, it's doubly certain that he's gay.
"My father just died"
"Shuttup Gay-boy!"

Yeah, it's pretty much all Bullshit.

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